Friday, March 30, 2012

After the storm always comes a rainbow!

I was released from Norfolk Heart Hospital yesterday afternoon.  My husband Mike had trouble getting to the Hospital because they were blocking the entrances due to a bomb threat.   It was on the news when we got home, thankfully it was not a bomb but an unattended package of fruit.

I was admitted Tuesday and released Thursday.  The reality of it all is, most people with this bug have this operation to remove the bug and move back into their life.  I now realize that in my case this is just the first step in the fight.  I was never in the easy line!   While lots of people are getting tattoos these days, I received my first battle scar on my collar bone neck area.  Yes, he went in from the front, removed some cartilage and then cut out a piece of the bug.  I also had a scope put down my throat.  The procedure itself was not too bad since I was out of it, but the after surgery recovery was not a walk in the park.  I had a drainage tube in my chest, IVs in each arm, repeated shots of blood thinner in my stomach during the day and at 2 am, along with finger pricks twice a day and at night.

I often think how I never saw this coming.  I can't wait to get back to the old me with a new and improved outlook on life.

Glad to be home and ready for the next step.
I want to thank everyone for their support, prayers, food, gifts, love, etc.
Especially for everyone in my family, who have always been there for me at every turn in my life, we have always been very close.

sending some love back xoxo
me 1959

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Update on Biopsy Surgery

Gail's out of surgery!  She had good news last night when her surgery was bumped up to early Tuesday morning versus later in the afternoon.  When you want to "get that party started" as soon as possible, early morning was a great way to start the day.

The morning started out with an anesthesiologist with a calm and quirky sense of humor.  He took the time to answer many questions that hopefully put Gail at ease.  I know her Mom, Mike and I felt a bit better!  Her surgery went according to plan and the doctor was out in the waiting room two hours later to give us his report.  Gail's mom, my mom and I might have startled him when he walked in the room since we saw him before he saw us....we were camped out right next to the information desk.  Stalkers!!  We probably resembled meerkats or prairie dogs by the way we popped up out of our seats, wide eyed and majorly alert.  Once he caught his breath, he told us the surgery had gone well and they were able to get a good amount of tumor tissue removed to send up to Boston.  Yea!  He then said, other than discomfort (we call it pain...) she should be able to go home tomorrow.  Another yea!

About an hour and a half later, Gail's mom and I were able to visit her.  She was very groggy due to the drugs and truthfully, in some pain.  She fell back asleep while we were there and hopefully she'll sleep for many more hours.  The room was nice and dark and peaceful, so I left her mom there hoping that she might be able to take a little nap herself.  Our girl is doing her best especially surrounded by prayers, well wishes, positive thoughts, air hugs, and you-name-its sent from far and wide!  As soon as I hear more, I'll try to post another update.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Preparing for biopsy surgery

I had a wonderful week with my son, during his spring break.
Then I headed off to Atlanta to do Christmas buying for Topiaries.
Buying trips are fun and exhausting at the same time.  I got it all done, I just had to take naps during the day.  I feel it is very important to keep my future going.  I got back home last night. I also had lots of helping hands, you see I have been going there two times a year for 18 years so I have made some great friends.  Gary and Frank came up from South Carolina to help out, again.  Frank squeezed limes for me daily while Gary helped me spend money.  We had a blast.  Jackie made sure I had homemade soups everyday, and muffins, cuties and bananas, to take back to my hotel, and to the airport.  Awesome friends!!!!

Today, I had my meet and greet with the surgeon that will be doing my surgical biopsy next week.  When Carolyn and I got there the receptionist said we have you down for two weeks from now.  OMG!!  I have been off chemo for 6 weeks now, another 2 weeks to meet the doctor and then another week or two for surgery.  This means my biopsy wouldn't even get to Boston until the end of April.  REALLY!!

Most of you know I have run my own business for over 20 years.
If the scheduler had said you can meet the Doctor in April, my response would have been, I should fly to Boston and get it done quicker!  Back to today, I told the receptionist I may look healthy, but I have stage 4 lung cancer and I can't wait weeks!!!!!!!  I told her I am staying here until I talk to my oncologist.  She came back out to the waiting room and said they could squeeze me in.  We waited another two hours (he is the best in this area) and he came in and discussed the surgery.  He will cut a two inch opening, entering just above my breast and remove some cartilage and then cut off a peice of the tumor to send off to Boston for testing. Since lung cancer can mutate, they need a current sample.  After a trying day, I was sent for labs, 5 tubes of blood, EKG, x-ray, and the special of the day, a painful draw of blood from my artery.  Very long day to say the least.  My surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday.  I will be in the hospital 1 or 2 days.  At least the ball is starting to roll.  The Bug is not for SISSIES!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good News...Bad news...

Bad News.....I have been waiting for today's doctors appointment for my results of my recent scans.
I was feeling really great lately, certainly breathing better and coughing less.
So of course I am thinking the chemo is working and I am going to get a good report.
The bad news the chemo is not working and in fact the bug really likes my bones and is spreading that way, and the tumor has not shrunk at all. Wow that was a shock I was not ready for. Next I will be going to go into clinical trials. My Doctor is going to confer with the leading doctor in lung cancer at the Boston cancer center. If needed I will go up there for treatment.

Good News... no chemo today yeah, my son is home from college this week so we can do a lot more together since I won't have the "flu". I am also going to Atlanta to buy Christmas, the following weekend, for Topiaries (since I could not go in January due to treatments) and again all my blood will be normal without the chemo, and not have the fatigue. That is also where I see lots of friends and enjoy buying. So the break for chemo could not have come at a better time so I can really enjoy the next two weeks. Then when I come back Monday I will start my new treatments on the Wednesday in two weeks.

Please keep praying for these next treatments to remove the cancer from my body. I do believe in miracles and medicine working together.
 I am ready to get back to the fight when I get back from a real break from all this.
Thank you so much for all your support xoxo

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My new small business: Gail's Health

Since my bone scan last week, I have been felling pretty good. I had my blood tested last Wednesday with good results, back to normal, which means my body has recovered from the chemo and all is back in order. I have not heard any results from the CT scan or the bone scan yet. I meet with my Doctor Wednesday for all of my results and anything new. I will also get my 4th chemo treatment that day. As far as I know I am scheduled for 2 more after that.
I am feeling pretty mentally strong since, after hearing the three most feared words from my Doctor, ...Cancer, incurable, and stage 4. In a strange way it gives me a type of power I can't explain, it is almost like this is as bad as it gets and you go into a take the bull by the horns and prepare for battle.
I will not have the big fear most cancer survivors have is that it comes back. I will always have it until a cure comes along. I will be trying clinical trials to work on the tumors on my bones later on. Somethings that I share, are just my personal feeling while dealing with all of this, it is hard to relate unless you are in my shoes. I would say 98% of the time I am positive. Yes I wish I could go back to the life I had before this, but I am hoping to be almost the same, except I have started another small business called "Gail's health". Its a bit different than running  Topiaries. It consists of Dr. appts, keeping up on doctor bills, and instead of meeting new clients I meet people that are running the same business, which is of great comfort. I have also attached a link about lime juice and lung cancer. I have been drinking about a 1/3 of a cup or more a day. I pour it in my water all day and add a natural sweetener. I believe it has helped my breathing and is also good for your immune system, which becomes compromised after chemo.
Lime juice and lung cancer

No one can go back and make a brand-new start, but anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.
Thank you Lord for wanting me to turn to you first and for working in ways beyond my scope of understanding. You are able to do immeasurably more than anything I can ask or imagine.