About Me and the Bug

The "bug" as I call it, is Cancer,
which I like to refer to as the little "c"
that will be squashed by love, support, courage, prayers,
 great medicine and the big "C" known as Christ!
Lets do this!!

It all started back in September 2011. I was coughing a lot but thinking it was just my asthma and lots of extra shipments at the shop. It started getting worse, and we all know I had to get that shop ready for the Holidays!!!  I went to the doctors and got on some antibiotics and Predizone.  I had some good days to work and rest in between, and in the mix I got a new puppy two months before!!  Hello.... not enough going on?  After I was off the 1st round of antibiotics, I was still sick again, more x-rays and stronger pills. 

Heading into October, you guessed it still sick and worried about the shop.  The Holidays are how I make it year to year.  I got the shop set with the help of Maureen and Lisa...dream team!!  Then I was sent to a pulmonary specialist after the x-ray showed Pneumonia.  The specialist saw something behind the Pneumonia (which is cloudy on an x-ray), a mass resting on my bronchial tube making it hard to breath.  Then.. the tests began and lots of waiting... it was now mid-November and cat scan, scopes (though my nose to my lung) more waiting....still not sure if it is cancer or infection?  

More tests...  Bone scan next, we see something on your bones.....

Next Pet scan and an over all scan for cancer except your head....more waiting, we are in December now.  

I remained very sick, like the flu with no fever and was still waiting for test results. Then the scope again (the one I hate).  "This time we are also going to look with a camera and a biopsy going via your throat this time, then we should know something".....REALLY....

After those tests, I was out for a few hours afterwards and got pretty sick.  Went to sleep at my Mom's house across the street from mine.  Nothing like the feeling of being a little girl again when you are sick, cold washcloths on my forehead and the same pan she use to put by our head when we were little for throwing up placed next to my bed. I slept for six hours after I got home, I could hear her tiptoeing down the hall cracking the door a bit, checking to see if I was still breathing (remember I have a 4month old German Shepard puppy at my house).

Layla, my puppy, is a great comfort to me now. 

When I finally woke up, my husband, Mike, and my Mom came in and sat on my bead and I asked what the doctor had said.  There was  a long pause, 'It's lung cancer that has spread to your bones....."
Me and my husband, Mike
Time stops at that moment, thinking of nothing but that all you want is your future. Very hard news, like I was hit by a Mack truck.  I went back to sleep and faced it in the morning.  Two days late, the doctor called with the formal results over the phone.  He said he would call an oncology doctor, but it would take two weeks to get an appointment, that would be Christmas!  
Me and my Mom

Next on to my new team of care at Virginia Oncology
Feeling much better at this point knowing treatment of some kind is coming soon.  A couple more tests, MRI,  remember my brain has not been scanned yet, an skeleton x-ray of my whole body and then.... one more a bone biopsy from my hip two days before Christmas.  The scopes were much worse.. No bug seen in the brain, yeah!  The bone biopsy is for later down the road. They will not operate on my lung because it is not curable with the bone situation.  Next treatment chemo, etc. to hopefully shrink the tumor that is resting on my bronchial tube so I can breath normally again to cut down on the coughing. 
Again that is the first step and then to keep it in control from there.

 xoxo Gail


  1. Hey Flower Girl!
    Wow, this is great and so are you! We were just looking up your address when your e-mail came through. Spring is just around the corner, and this "c" detour will be too!
    This was better use of your time today than looking through those catalogs! We're praying everyday and the Lord is with you and will see you through this! xoxoxo

    Your flower guys!

  2. Wow, I love your new creation! You have done such an awesome job with your blog as well as with how you've handled the Bug. Thank heavens our Dads brought us together that day. Otherwise, I might not have been aware of what you were going through. I am so sorry that you have to go through this, but know that all of us (your friends and fans) are praying for you. I feel certain that our Fathers (yours, mine and Christ) have their arms wrapped around you for protection. XOXO Carolyn

  3. Hey sweetie, thinking only good thoughts for you everyday. Lots of prayers coming your way from all our friends. We love you.

  4. Hi Gail,

    I remember telling my father (who had "the bug" in his lungs) to let go of his fear and trust the Lord to carry him through. The famous "footprints in the sand" theory. He was never closer to our Lord then when he was fighting. You are in my thoughts (with tears having just learned) every day.

    Jennifer (the VT mom)

  5. Dear Gail,
    Have been reading your Bug Blog with great interest, empathy and care tonight. I am so glad to see your indomitable spirit ringing through these pages and to hear in your words the progression through diagnosis and treatment. You're a strong and dynamic woman, a professional role model to me and so many others. I love your entrepreneurial spirit and the way you've made your company into a household name for so many of us. I have purposely left your tags on all the items I've bought from you over the years, hoping that those who liked them would seek you out, too. I hope that your oncology care team will help you through your voyage with compassion and wisdom. It's such a rough up and down journey that the "little c" takes you on. Your clients and friends and family care... so much... and send you prayers, support and thanks for all you have been to us. See you soon I am sure. You have such a great heart and talent.

    Linda Hooks (from Silvina's and Virginia Tech)

    1. Thinking of you this week. Call me anytime at the shop to get my number. Or email me at topiarystyle@msn.com. Gail

    2. Hi Gail, How are you feeling? It's been a month or so since I saw you, sitting in the car, while Mike was doing something at the shop. Hoping your treatments will ease your fatigue and that you have been able to enjoy the holidays with family. Thank you for thinking of me, I am up & down but mostly up. Nervous for surgery but thankful for early detection. Double mastectomy 1/9. I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers and sure do hope you are in good spirits. With great affection, Linda

  6. You are so kind, you brought tears to my eyes. Xoxo

  7. This is so sad and so unfair that a beautiful, much loved young woman should have had to endure this along with her family. It makes no sense. Knowing that she is out of her pain and joined with her dad is how I see it now and there is some comfort in that. My heartfelt and most sincere sympathy to Gail's whole family, but especially to her mom, Ardell, and her husband and son.


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!