Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Update on Biopsy Surgery

Gail's out of surgery!  She had good news last night when her surgery was bumped up to early Tuesday morning versus later in the afternoon.  When you want to "get that party started" as soon as possible, early morning was a great way to start the day.

The morning started out with an anesthesiologist with a calm and quirky sense of humor.  He took the time to answer many questions that hopefully put Gail at ease.  I know her Mom, Mike and I felt a bit better!  Her surgery went according to plan and the doctor was out in the waiting room two hours later to give us his report.  Gail's mom, my mom and I might have startled him when he walked in the room since we saw him before he saw us....we were camped out right next to the information desk.  Stalkers!!  We probably resembled meerkats or prairie dogs by the way we popped up out of our seats, wide eyed and majorly alert.  Once he caught his breath, he told us the surgery had gone well and they were able to get a good amount of tumor tissue removed to send up to Boston.  Yea!  He then said, other than discomfort (we call it pain...) she should be able to go home tomorrow.  Another yea!

About an hour and a half later, Gail's mom and I were able to visit her.  She was very groggy due to the drugs and truthfully, in some pain.  She fell back asleep while we were there and hopefully she'll sleep for many more hours.  The room was nice and dark and peaceful, so I left her mom there hoping that she might be able to take a little nap herself.  Our girl is doing her best especially surrounded by prayers, well wishes, positive thoughts, air hugs, and you-name-its sent from far and wide!  As soon as I hear more, I'll try to post another update.


  1. Just talked with Gail, she's been moved out of recovery to a nicer room with "a real bed", and she's hungry, always a good sign!! She's doing good, still groggy, but Mike and her mom are there with her. She'll find out tomorrow if she comes home then or the next day. Hopefully your next updates will be from her. So proud of her!

  2. Thank you for keeping us updated! My continued prayers for Gail! Sending her much love, joy, peace and music... karena


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!