Friday, March 30, 2012

After the storm always comes a rainbow!

I was released from Norfolk Heart Hospital yesterday afternoon.  My husband Mike had trouble getting to the Hospital because they were blocking the entrances due to a bomb threat.   It was on the news when we got home, thankfully it was not a bomb but an unattended package of fruit.

I was admitted Tuesday and released Thursday.  The reality of it all is, most people with this bug have this operation to remove the bug and move back into their life.  I now realize that in my case this is just the first step in the fight.  I was never in the easy line!   While lots of people are getting tattoos these days, I received my first battle scar on my collar bone neck area.  Yes, he went in from the front, removed some cartilage and then cut out a piece of the bug.  I also had a scope put down my throat.  The procedure itself was not too bad since I was out of it, but the after surgery recovery was not a walk in the park.  I had a drainage tube in my chest, IVs in each arm, repeated shots of blood thinner in my stomach during the day and at 2 am, along with finger pricks twice a day and at night.

I often think how I never saw this coming.  I can't wait to get back to the old me with a new and improved outlook on life.

Glad to be home and ready for the next step.
I want to thank everyone for their support, prayers, food, gifts, love, etc.
Especially for everyone in my family, who have always been there for me at every turn in my life, we have always been very close.

sending some love back xoxo
me 1959

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