Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Good News...Bad news...

Bad News.....I have been waiting for today's doctors appointment for my results of my recent scans.
I was feeling really great lately, certainly breathing better and coughing less.
So of course I am thinking the chemo is working and I am going to get a good report.
The bad news the chemo is not working and in fact the bug really likes my bones and is spreading that way, and the tumor has not shrunk at all. Wow that was a shock I was not ready for. Next I will be going to go into clinical trials. My Doctor is going to confer with the leading doctor in lung cancer at the Boston cancer center. If needed I will go up there for treatment.

Good News... no chemo today yeah, my son is home from college this week so we can do a lot more together since I won't have the "flu". I am also going to Atlanta to buy Christmas, the following weekend, for Topiaries (since I could not go in January due to treatments) and again all my blood will be normal without the chemo, and not have the fatigue. That is also where I see lots of friends and enjoy buying. So the break for chemo could not have come at a better time so I can really enjoy the next two weeks. Then when I come back Monday I will start my new treatments on the Wednesday in two weeks.

Please keep praying for these next treatments to remove the cancer from my body. I do believe in miracles and medicine working together.
 I am ready to get back to the fight when I get back from a real break from all this.
Thank you so much for all your support xoxo


  1. Oh sweetie, so sorry to hear this news but I just know you can fight this and there truly are miracles. We pray for you and send you lots of love and hugs! Enjoy Chris and your trip to Atlanta. Much love, Carole and Larry

  2. I sure wasn't expecting to hear this tonight and am so sorry you had to receive this news Gail! I can't even imagine how scary this news must be but remember how strong you are and determined you are to fight this "bug". We will continue to send our thoughts and prayers your way. We love you Gail!! And we are here for you whatever it may be...Adele and Todd

  3. Bonnie Aufmuth QuintanillaMarch 7, 2012 at 9:13 PM

    You have such a positive attitude, it's inspiring. My entire heart and soul is with you and praying for the miracle I know has your name on it. Thank you for sharing your story, Gail. Stay strong, stay positive and enjoy every minute with your son and friends and family.

  4. Enjoy the heck out of your break. Christopher and Atlanta are happening at a great time! The thoughts, prayers and serious @$$ whooping will continue in two weeks!! Love you Gail. D.

  5. I'm so sorry that the news wasn't what we were all hoping for today!!! Stay positive and enjoy your time off!! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Wilma

  6. Gail, what a one-two punch to read this news. But yet the Lord has given you an immeasurable amount of grace and courage. I am thankful that you are so willing to share this experience with us ... even the raw hard news. It guides us in how to specifically pray for you. Your wonderful heart is so evident ... it is clear that your concerns are not about feel sorry, but they reach out to your family and friends. Even w/o the bug you are obviously this kind of person. I pray specifically that you will be soon enrolled in a clinical trial, preferably in its later testing, and one that is mightily effective against this bug. I also pray that you continue to filled with a peace and understanding that only comes from God. With great love and respect ... Karen

  7. Gail, like everyone else says, I have been able to see how amazingly strong you are especially in your faith in God. And you do it with such grace. I am always praying for you and for your miracle. I really feel this Dr. in Boston will help you with that! Go to Atlanta and have an awesome and peaceful time. You definitely deserve it! xoxo

    1. Hi Gail, I am not sure what is the good news and the bad news honey, but I am praying for the good news. I know that you will get a miracle for sure. If anyone you are the one that should get one. I love you sweetie and I hope you are not having to go through too much. God blesses you don't forget. Wish I could take everything from you. Love you girl, Kimberly

  8. Gail-

    So incredibly shocked and sorry to hear this news. Your blogs are incredibly inspiring and uplifting! You have an indomitable spirit that I admire so much. Your positive attitude is so refreshing! I know that you will enjoy your shopping trip and time with your son...Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. If anyone can squash the bug, it's YOU! Please let me know if I can help you in any way. How about some chocolate chip cookies?



Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!