Thursday, August 16, 2012

Update from yesterday

News from Wednesday

No bad news...not great news either. the current chemo is not working. So I will be startimg my new 8 weeks of chemo next week Vinorelbine Tartrate. I will give more detail later, tremors are making it very hard to type.

Hope love and prayers, Gail


  1. Dear Gail -
    I want you to know that even though it feels like life is rushing by and you're stopped in a time warp, there are many -especially me - who think, pray and carry you with us daily in our thoughts. Our wish for you is to be the healthy vibrant woman that you've always been with a level of energy that I always wished you could bottle and share with me. You are, even now, an inspiration to me and when I get sad by current challenges in my life (none of which compare to yours) I do follow your example of stamina and determination that I too can weather any storm coming my way - that if you can suffer the medication, the exhaustion and the frustration, that I can manage the (almost insignificant in comparison)challenges that I face. The Lord holds us in His hands, and though our granny says He'll never give us more than we can handle (which just shows how strong He knows you are), sometimes I have to wonder. Keep fighting - get angry at that bug - I know you can beat this and I will pray that the Lord will help the doctors find a medication that DOES do what it is supposed to do with as few side effects as possible. You may be surprised at the mirror image, but all we see is the person who has the gumption to get through it - with love, Patty

  2. Thanks. Patty, so kind. Love you

  3. Hi Gail,
    I just want to say that I miss you and I'm praying for you daily. May God's love continue to keep you strong and comfort you in this struggle.
    Love you,
    P.S. I haven't forgotten my godson...


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!