Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 2012 as time goes by........

(once a week)
Started new chemo yesterday, with no complications . I have had bone pain in my ribs, back and side. I have been taking pain meds every four hours, but they make me very tired. Update on meds, I take pills for bone health, and pain pills for pain, bone shots every 6 weeks. Vitamin once a day 2 pills for tremors (which seem to be helping) a predisone to pick me up help and with breathing. As the side effects keep adding up, lucky some are replaced. The Dr. said the new chemo should help with the pain. I meet with my radiologist today for my check up from my radiation, since it work on an accumulative effect we had to wait three months. I would love to get back to work.
I never was a very patient person, but it seems the name of the game is waiting to find the key.  Remembering....
 "Faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds the future". 
 I am praying for more patience.
Love and Thanks for all the cards, well wishes, prayers, and love.
xoxoxo Gail


  1. Hi Gail,
    You are a bright, beautiful, talented and amazing woman! I in awe of the way you have handled this very difficult situation. Remember we are human and need help in times like this. Please lean on your friends like me to help you through this whether you need meals, rides, prayers ect. We are in this world to help each other, and you can rest in the knowledge that there are so many people that love and care about you. Please take one day at a time and don't worry yourself about anything past the day you are in. Love you and praying for you! Your forever friend Judy (I finally figured how to write on this wall, but could not figure out how to put my name in the comment section)

  2. Dearest Gail, have thought of you often since our last visit and finally realized I was using the wrong address for your blog. We are sitting in our living room this morning realizing how much beauty you have brought to our lives - lovely furniture, beautiful art/objects, and of course our very special wedding (described by several friends as "classy"!), just to mention a few. Our grandson little Christopher fell in love with two of your birds, we made a nest for them and they are now living in North Carolina. Would love to cook you dinner (if/when you feel like eating), run errands or just visit. Love, Candice and Christopher

  3. Gail,
    I send yoga energy to you daily during my practice. I would like to introduce you to pho (delicious broth and noodle soup). I'm in Va Beach most Sundays and will bring it to you. Please let me know if this Sunday, 9/2, or any other might be a good time. Much love, Gwynne


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!