Tuesday, July 31, 2012

8 Months ago my life was turned upside down.

I go for my 5th Chemo tomorrow, with three left if working in this series. I really have  no new news until middle of August.

 Just some of my thoughts...
I am becoming very tired again, which I need to recover from all of the poison they pump into to me. It could also be the pill for the tremors which slows down your blood pressure or the other mix of pills....etc.
I often think of the past 8 months filled with, needles weekly for drawing blood, and administering IVs needles, many many Dr,s appointments, Hospital  visits, MRI,s, CT scans, Bone scans, Pet scans.  All of these come with different side effects I have to deal with. I often say I never had any idea how, one day you hear that diagnosis and your life will never be the same. Its is hard unless you are in those shoes. I always looked forward great summers with friends and family and music, simple things  like grocery shopping, cooking, not to mention every time I walk by a mirror I am shocked on what I see is not what I have been used to for the last 50 or so years. There is also the constant thought of the unknown. Its very hard to watch and think about the people going about their life's week after week while I am here, sitting still, its like everyone is in fast motion going around me as the days pass me by. I want to get back in the race!!!



  1. Gail I can't even imagine what you are going through. I know that if I was in your shoes I would feel the same way...but for you it is real. Hang on sweet one. There are other options so I've been told, and that is a more holistic approach. You never know and I have heard so many talk about that as being the answer. But who am I to say I am not a doctor. But it couldn't hurt to try it. I love you girlfriend and I am praying very hard for you and your full recovery. I wish I could just wave a magic wand and have an instant cure. I feel for you girl and am praying for that miracle. Try to stay strong and focus on fighting that bug and give it your all...I know easier said than done and I don't have a clue what you are going through exactly but I can hear you and feel your pain. Love you, Kim xxxooo

    1. Kim, You are the most kind and thoughtful person. I am so blessed to have met you back in the day. I love you and thank you for all the gifts, love and prayers. You area special blessing to anyone the knows you. Thanks for the blessing of your freindship. Xoxoxo

  2. Dear Gail, you are such a sparkling, creative soul! You touch every thing with beauty, even in this crisis, you are sharing your stories filled with love and emotion, bringing a renewed appreciation for life, family, friends, and well being. May healing LOVE lift you back into a place of joy.

    1. Thanks Bruce, coming from one of the talented artists I ever met. Thanks for keeping up on me from so far away. Love Gail

  3. we all want you back in the "race". you're very good at it, being a wonderful human being.

  4. Hi Gail, be at peace knowing how much you are loved by your family and many friends and how many prayers are being said for your healing. God loves you more and wants this special time with you as you share in the suffering of His beloved son. All of us in this race will eventually need to slow down. We will never find the Lord in the chaos but in the quiet and stillness of life. May God continue to bless you and all of us in our journey.

  5. On my mind and in my prayers:) Chris


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!