Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

After my last post, the dark place I went to was caused by the effects from the radiation. I slept for about a week straight and got up just to eat.  I am starting to feel a little bit more like myself each day.  
Effects for radiation start when the treatments are complete and last for weeks.  On top of that I began to wean off the very strong steroid, Dexamethasone, that causes all kinds of withdrawal and messes with your brain.  It took two weeks to ween off since I was taking 2 a day along with the effects of Tarceva, a chemo in pill form that I take everyday... Then around the 20th I loss my taste for food, it all tastes like cardboard.  Yes, everyone brought me my favorites, etc.  I am still finding it extremely hard to eat anything beside fruit.
It has definitely been a very hard road, one I would not wish on anyone.  It's hard to believe I have been struggling with this for 6 months with a long road ahead.  It is true that when I heard the word Cancer it was like everything I had known of daily life had changed with no return.  It's hard for me to see others out and about doing normal things, or complaining about their hair not looking good cause it had rained... I wish I had hair. I just see people so much more clearer. 
Memorial day weekend we always have a cookout, not this year.  I have already missed my annual 5 day fun at New Orleans Jazz Fest and had to cancel our annual family get together with everyone in Buffalo, etc.  I haven't worked in weeks, I use to work 30 to 40 hours a week.  I really miss my work and clients that have been so amazing with gifts and cards and food, etc.

Thank you all for the love and support and prayers!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24 2012

I just wanted to take a minute to update. I have had a very rough week and a half. I haven't felt like doing anything, not even talking or blogging. I am starting to come out of the dark time, and hope to fill in the details tomorrow.

Love, Prayer and Hope.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day Weekend

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, as I hope all the Moms did!  We had a fun road trip up to Virginia Tech for my son's Graduation.  It was such a proud moment in our lives.  I thank God everyday for the Best Family I was blessed with from my parents to my unbelievable three brothers that are there constantly with love, support, and prayer even my nephews check in. My husband Mike of 29 years will always be my rock  (which we spent our anniversary in the radiation lab, I said here is the "in sickness and in health") Still My son the greatest blessing of all! The best thing is he is going to spend the summer at home...no more empty nest, we have always been the hang out place for his friends.
I have to say the best thing about all of this is, it is truly like the movie "Its a wonderful life". I look at the cards and letters of incredible people that have touched my life from grammar school, Hudson, Virginia Beach friends and neighbors, and so many clients and friends from Floral Original to Topiaries, other shop owners New Leaf, Wayne Jones etc., ex-employees, wonderful reps from Market that have become great friends, other patients battling different bugs and their friends, nurses too. If I got hit by a truck tomorrow or live another 20 years. I actually feel the love and support from all the amazing, thoughtful, caring, kind people that have touched my life. What an incredible blessing!!

Thank you for touching my life!

For my health update.
Not to bad, very very tired, I can sleep most of the day and all night every other day.
 The radiology Dr. said it could last for months, I am sure I will less and less tired as I go.
The rash and pimples on my face, the new medicine I just started is working great just still a bit puffy face. I am sure that will get back to normal too. I will not know if any of this radiation and Chemo pill, Tarceva I take everyday is working until the middle of June. Please help me pray (I believe in being specific) for the chemo to stop the growth and kill all the Cancer, and for the radiation to remove all Cancer from my brain and kill the rest of the Cancer in my body forever. Amen

"Be patient under trial. Persevere in prayer"
Romans 12:12

Friday, May 4, 2012

GI JANE: Failure Is Not An Option

Today was GI Jane Day!  The hair was shaved in true warrior fashion and I am writng about our friend Gail because I am so damn proud of her.  She wanted to make it through ALL her radiation treatments with her hair still attached to her head.  It was one heck of a goal and she made it.

Personally, I wasn't sure what my emotions were going to be today, but no matter what,  I was going to a positive machine.  What I never expected to experience was watching as this strong woman began to emerge as her head was shaved.  It was an amazing experience that neither one of us expected.  One of the hair stylists even walked over at the beginning and said, "Oh no, why are you shaving your head?!"  Obviously, our girl did not look a person fighting a serious Bug!  I ask you, how much more positive could it get at that moment?!

Was I worried?  Yes.  I was scared I was going to cry, I've known this hair for years!  I've seen it through a ton of ups and downs and many a time I've secretly wished mine looked that good.  So yes, I was worried I might not be the strong shoulder I needed to be today.  Did I let her know that before hand?  Heck no, but as her head was getting shaved and her eyes started to become bigger and her teeth started to look whiter and her neck started to look longer, I sure babbled it all out and let her know what I was witnessing.  We had turned Gail away from the mirror so only I saw her hair fall away.  As it was happening, I realized this was no longer Gail's beautiful hair that was falling to the floor.  What was removed was something fried and damaged.  It was physically a weight that was being lifted off her shoulders.  She actually started to look healthier.  In hind sight, I wish she had seen the incredible transformation that I witnessed because all she saw was the end result.  It was a shock and there were tears.  We hugged hard, cried some more, and then I shook her and made her look back in that mirror to see that strong person I was seeing.  She does NOT look like someone that's fighting the Bug.  She looks like someone that said, what the hell, I'm tired of my hair and I'm shaving it!

Today was a beautiful day, one of the best days I've had in a long time.  It was a gift to be along for the ride.  It was a total girlie day, we got rid of some serious bad hair, picked up some fabulous new hair, and had a blast.  Ten dollars to rid yourself of a serious bad hair day.  And she doesn't need product?!  What girl wouldn't be jealous of that one!!

She's probably not going to show anyone that beautiful shaved head, but I loved it.  Loved it so much, that I told her I was a bit jealous of the power, strength and freedom that shaved head was just radiating.

Just to let ya know, she has a good head, no strange bumps or dimples...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last radiation

Last day of my 3weeks of radiation!

I have been really tired, sleeping, a doing a lot of cooking and eating trying to keep my weight up.  That is one perk, I love to eat.  Effects from the treatments have been fatigue, some headaches, and burns on the skin, not too bad, but they do tell me the effects get worse after the treatment is over, hopefully not. The effects of the Chemo pill I am on every day are not too bad, pimples and rash all over my face, small price to pay for it to be working.
Hair today, gone tomorrow
I look at it as becoming GI Jane preparing for battle!!

There is a USA Today magazine on stands now:
I suggest everyone to pick it up and start learning how we are all being affected by the bug.
The numbers are staggering.
Lung: new 226,160
           deaths 160,340 

Breast: new 226,870 women
                      2,190 men              
              deaths 39,510     
Melanomas: new 76,250                  
                      deaths 9,180                

Prostate: new 241,740
                 deaths 28,170
 Bladder: new 73,510  
                deaths 14,880  
Kidney: new 64,770                         
 & renal deaths 13,570 
Colon rectum: new 143,460                 
                        deaths 51,690

Non-Hodgkin: new 70,130                   
lymphoma       deaths 18,940

Pancreas: new 43,920                          
                deaths 37,390                        
Leukemia: new 47,150
                 deaths 23,540

 Oral cavity: new 40,250
 & pharynx deaths 7850

New Orleans Jazz Fest!

Normally I would be packing for my 5th annual 5 day trip to


Van the Man
Best food, music, friends, and family!
Next Year!

Thanks for all the prayers, support, and love!
It takes a team to fight.
Love, Gail