Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day Weekend

I had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend, as I hope all the Moms did!  We had a fun road trip up to Virginia Tech for my son's Graduation.  It was such a proud moment in our lives.  I thank God everyday for the Best Family I was blessed with from my parents to my unbelievable three brothers that are there constantly with love, support, and prayer even my nephews check in. My husband Mike of 29 years will always be my rock  (which we spent our anniversary in the radiation lab, I said here is the "in sickness and in health") Still My son the greatest blessing of all! The best thing is he is going to spend the summer at more empty nest, we have always been the hang out place for his friends.
I have to say the best thing about all of this is, it is truly like the movie "Its a wonderful life". I look at the cards and letters of incredible people that have touched my life from grammar school, Hudson, Virginia Beach friends and neighbors, and so many clients and friends from Floral Original to Topiaries, other shop owners New Leaf, Wayne Jones etc., ex-employees, wonderful reps from Market that have become great friends, other patients battling different bugs and their friends, nurses too. If I got hit by a truck tomorrow or live another 20 years. I actually feel the love and support from all the amazing, thoughtful, caring, kind people that have touched my life. What an incredible blessing!!

Thank you for touching my life!

For my health update.
Not to bad, very very tired, I can sleep most of the day and all night every other day.
 The radiology Dr. said it could last for months, I am sure I will less and less tired as I go.
The rash and pimples on my face, the new medicine I just started is working great just still a bit puffy face. I am sure that will get back to normal too. I will not know if any of this radiation and Chemo pill, Tarceva I take everyday is working until the middle of June. Please help me pray (I believe in being specific) for the chemo to stop the growth and kill all the Cancer, and for the radiation to remove all Cancer from my brain and kill the rest of the Cancer in my body forever. Amen

"Be patient under trial. Persevere in prayer"
Romans 12:12


  1. Prayer ... as always you have it, and specific too. You thank all of us for touching your life, but it is us who should thank you for touching ours. You are boldly sharing life's reality and in that showing (preparing) us how to walk tall with faith, trust and confidence in the Lord. I am thankful for your close family and your friends. Megan's last post was awesome, worthy of even being published. Finally, my sister-in-law and I are enjoying our butterfly topiaries purchased from your shop. You have an awesome staff!

    2 Timothy 4:17 But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.

    1. Gail, To me you are so couragous and strong in your faith. I thank-you so much for sharing such a more than difficut time. I am not sure if I could be as strong as you...I only hope to be more like you. I love you with all my heart and I am praying for a miracle for you because you deserve it. You have touched so many lives with you love and joy of life. I really feel so blessed to have you in mine. You rest and get well Love!! Always in my thought and prayers.

  2. Gail -- my mom is a two-time cancer survivor (breast and colon) so I know anything is possible. You are in my thoughts.


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!