Monday, January 16, 2012

The Relic

The Relic

One day at work, Maureen's husband, Mike pulled me aside and gave me this beautiful relic
( small piece of bone of St. John).  Not only is it beautiful, I was touched to tears that he would give me some thing that was so important to him and he had held for so long.  Along with it, he told me amazing stories of healing that had taken place in his life involving the relic.  I will always wear it and believe in it.  One great thing about the bug is I had no idea how many people have come to my side to help me fight the bug.

Funny thing about John's relics.
Everytime I give one away another finds its way to me.  When I got home the day I gave it to you, I received one from my best friend, Joe.  He got it when his uncle passed away (very Catholic family, very).  This one is a class one relic with a wax seal.  Meaning, it is actually a very small piece of his body.  Joe is the same person whose house I was leaving in the rain the night I found the relic two weeks before my uncle had his accident.  If you ask Maureen, she will tell you Joe is the nicest human walking the earth.  Some things just can't be explained.  Try to remember when things really suck, something CSN&Y said in a song, "REJOICE, REJOICE YOU HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO CARRY ON".  Happy Thoughts, Mike

1 comment:

  1. I love the part of that story about everytime he gives a relic away, another finds its way to him. How neat is that?! Good vibes surrounding you!


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