Friday, August 31, 2012

Outpatient August 30

Outpatient surgery August 30th
I went in to removed fluid building up in my left lung, which is already 1/3 filled with a tumor that has collapsed my top lobe. I was having a very difficult time breathing to say the least. The procedure involved me sitting and leaning over another higher table. Not much pain they said, at this point I equate things with past procedures, like the bone biopsy etc..They just numb the skin with a wipe on my back, and insert a needle and tube to suck out the fluid, but in the middle I got A shooting pain in my shoulder neck area and then my hip, like a nerve or ?? so I said I could take it for about a couple more minutes, and then that was it, they had gotten enough fluid.  I looked over and there was a liter of fluid.....Wow all that was in my tiny lung. The other pain lasted for about 1/2 hr. after the pain med. took hold I was able to go home. I am on pain meds. most of the time to help with the pain in my bones. Resting a lot yesterday and today. Apparently I am one of the rare ones that resist the chemos.
Help me Pray that this Chemo starts stomping out the bug.
Love and thanks from ME

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 2012 as time goes by........

(once a week)
Started new chemo yesterday, with no complications . I have had bone pain in my ribs, back and side. I have been taking pain meds every four hours, but they make me very tired. Update on meds, I take pills for bone health, and pain pills for pain, bone shots every 6 weeks. Vitamin once a day 2 pills for tremors (which seem to be helping) a predisone to pick me up help and with breathing. As the side effects keep adding up, lucky some are replaced. The Dr. said the new chemo should help with the pain. I meet with my radiologist today for my check up from my radiation, since it work on an accumulative effect we had to wait three months. I would love to get back to work.
I never was a very patient person, but it seems the name of the game is waiting to find the key.  Remembering....
 "Faith is not knowing what the future holds but knowing who holds the future". 
 I am praying for more patience.
Love and Thanks for all the cards, well wishes, prayers, and love.
xoxoxo Gail

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Update from yesterday

News from Wednesday

No bad news...not great news either. the current chemo is not working. So I will be startimg my new 8 weeks of chemo next week Vinorelbine Tartrate. I will give more detail later, tremors are making it very hard to type.

Hope love and prayers, Gail