Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 2012

June 11 2012

My thoughts this week: I am still so tired of being tired, as I read more about, its debilitating. I must sleep alot because, the drugs kill the good cells with the bad. I had my bone scan Friday. MRI and CT sans Wednesday. Still not eating much, but I am mostly on jello, boost some soup, its not that I don't want to eat, my taste buds are fried and it all taste like cardboard. My test at the hospital were not fun yesterday. They were all in the morning, and I sleep late. I was weak not in the mood for one more test. I have been throwing up about one a day, and the night before and the morning of I had to drink these huge bottles of banana nasty, hoping to keep it down. Then the rooms where the machines are, was freezing. Then they inject the dye which not fun either, next on the next scan, and another injection. I have had all these tests many times, It just hit me the wrong way. I went home and slept for the rest of the day. I will get all the info on the 20th. Praying that the radiation and chemo are working. Its been 7 months of the unknown, with no good news yet.

Thanks again for all the prayers and love.


  1. Gail, my thoughts and prayers are with you....pull from that adrenaline you have stashed that helped you get through all of those stressful yet amazing are a fighter and a winner. You will beat this. Always, patty ritzi

  2. Gail-

    I stopped by the shop on Monday to stock up on candles and other fun stuff and Maureen gave me an update. Please know that Aaron and I are praying for your complete healing!
    Thinking of you always-
    Aaron and Aimee Darby

    Jeremiah 33:6
    "Behold I will bring you health and cure, and I will cure you, and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth"

  3. Gail,
    I just wanted you to know that I think of you daily. I keep up with Squashing the Bug. Please keep up your great spirit and faith. They will serve you well.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love, Margaret
    (Your friend from Trader Joe's)


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!