Thursday, January 5, 2012


The first sign I was being lead along a path that was watching from above.
I was called by my doctor out of the blue to go to the hospital at some point that day to get an x-ray on my right side since the scan was unusual.  I headed right up there (note I was not scheduled for any time... it was a walk in).  I am sitting in a small waiting room in the back area and Carolyn walks by and glances, then back steps and said, "Gail?"  The way I know Carolyn, is our awesome Fathers were best friends when they were alive.  We are both Daddy's girls.  We have only know each other very briefly through our Fathers deaths and a stop at the shop once in a while to reminisce about our dads. Carolyn, being a nurse was not working that day, she also was there just by chance to check on something for herself in another area in the hospital.  Since then, she being a nurse herself in Virginia Beach, she has been the biggest blessing, not only peace of mind of answering all my questions,  but going with me to doctors appointments, showing up at my procedures and so much more, including peace of mind that she has my back and knows most of the doctors and nurses and is there at all hours for me.
Our Fathers put us both in the same place that day!!
They are smiling up there and helping me through...

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