Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Bug

The "bug" as I call it, is Cancer,

which I like to refer to as the little "c"
that will be squashed by love, support, courage, prayers,
 great medicine and the big "C" known as Christ!

Lets do this!!


  1. LOOVE your little "c" comment. So proud of what you accomplished today and am totally in awe of your attitude, especially today. Squash it, squash it good!

  2. You are such an amazing woman! I'm sure you will do great! I'm praying hard and thinking of you daily. Love you, Gail! xoxo

  3. Gail- I'm a friend of Megan McKee's. Just wanted to send you support and love and 'bug squashing' tools!



Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!