Monday, January 30, 2012

Chemo Vacation

After a great Wednesday and good Thursday, it was time for my chemo vacation. A trip no one wants to book, but a must for survival! The weekend starts with flu like symptoms that get progressively worse as the weekend moves on. The trip includes a cocktail of poison to kill off good and bad cells, and if you think that sucks, add a bonus boat ride for a dash of nausea that feels like sea sickness, and a couple other bonus amenities. So far as I know I have booked 4 more weekends. The very good thing is I get 18 days to catch up on life and work. Unfortunately I had to miss my brother Gary's wedding to his college sweetheart Carol. I hate to miss any family time!
Thanks for all the love and prayers. xoxo

Thanks you Lord for having a strong grip on me no matter what the size of wave!

1 comment:

  1. That post!!! This fantastic attitude of yours is just AWESOME!! Loved how you described an experience that made my stomach kinda roll and heave. The Chemo Vacay... You're conquering this, girl!! You did miss a slice of family time, but everyday that goes by, you're on your way to getting your body back to enjoying the whole pie, the all encompassing whole enchilada. Two chemo's down! Woo hoo!! SQUASH. THAT. BUG.


Thanks for your comments and well wishes, it means so much to me!