Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ok ready to continue the story!!

Sorry I have not kept you up to date. It has been a very very rough week.
 It started Friday 8:00 am. I went in for an out patient procedure, where I was not allowed to drink or eat. The procedure was to drain the fluid from my lung that came back from the first suction after about 2 weeks which helps me breath. As I waited and waited for my slot at 10:00 as it came and went...anyway when I final was wheeled in, my white blood count was so high , (I told the Dr, was do to the new chemo for my bone that are meant to raise the count) Then came the kicker, my heart rate was 150 WHAT? They call me a conundrum. the dr. said I can not release you Its Friday and not much goes on over the weekend If they can't figure it out, its help from above. The dr. said I had to back on the gurney. to a waiting area and see if vitals settle down, by the way still no water or food, the time was ticking, yet I still can't eat or drink or get  a room assigned until about 4:00. I will continue tomorrow, because its a long story.

OK next Chapter......

Turns out the computer system are not linked for all the info...believe it or not I could Have walked the info across the parking lot...Mr doctor was in Italy and would have thought it was still an outpatient and already checked out.  Anyway a whole lot of miss communication! They did give me a choice to check out for the weekend or just stay in a clean environment etc and go first thing Monday. I was on oxygen and a tube was draining fluid out of lungs 24-7 and everything was being monitored and I was getting three square meals a day and I am loosing weight rapidly. I was off my Chemo for a time, not even sure it is working anyway that time. I did want to keep getting my chemo for the bone regiment, HELLO, which makes my white blood count go up. we got all that straight by then and I got the shots at the hospital. Which is a good sign. What it is for? They say its like a fertilizer for my bones.I get a shot everyday which I can take in my stomach or upper arm which burns, and then regular Chemo once a week. Once I got the procedure finished Monday, I had to rest a couple days. Now I get home care to drain my lung and oxygen, but I am doing much better with breathing and I really don't cough much any more, which means removing the fluid regularly is really helping. One of the more prominent problems left was severe bone pain from my bug and the shots, I usually have a med to high pain tolerance, but these pains buckle me over. ( very hard on my Husband,  Mom, Brothers, and Friends.)  I could go on forever....I next went on a pain management, which is helping so much. The lack of breathing from all the fluid that needed to be drained caused me to be exhausted and the pain kept me down too. So needless to say I am feeling better.

Love and Prayer and Thanks to all.