Saturday, September 29, 2012

PA Hosp.

Ok ready to continue the story!!

Sorry I have not kept you up to date. It has been a very very rough week.
 It started Friday 8:00 am. I went in for an out patient procedure, where I was not allowed to drink or eat. The procedure was to drain the fluid from my lung that came back from the first suction after about 2 weeks which helps me breath. As I waited and waited for my slot at 10:00 as it came and went...anyway when I final was wheeled in, my white blood count was so high , (I told the Dr, was do to the new chemo for my bone that are meant to raise the count) Then came the kicker, my heart rate was 150 WHAT? They call me a conundrum. the dr. said I can not release you Its Friday and not much goes on over the weekend If they can't figure it out, its help from above. The dr. said I had to back on the gurney. to a waiting area and see if vitals settle down, by the way still no water or food, the time was ticking, yet I still can't eat or drink or get  a room assigned until about 4:00. I will continue Tomorrow, because its a long story.
Love, and prayers.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Duke visit

 Visit to Duke
No good news their. they basically said no trials would suit me.
Why we had to drive 4 hrs to hear that..made for a sad ride back.
I guess it is what it is! Not much for me to say, except I pray the current Chemo I am on is stomping the bug!!!! Not in the mood for bloggin right now, I will update when I have some medium to good news.
love to you all,